illustrator pdf

How to export a PDF in Adobe Illustrator

Step by step directions for exporting a 'Press Quality' PDF from Illustrator.

You can either download and use our custom BUG PRESS job option, or follow the steps below to include the preferred settings yourself. 

In Illustrator using Bug Press job option

To install Bug Press job option:

  1. Download Bug Press job option.

  2. Go to Edit > Adobe PDF Presets...

  3. Click 'Load'

  4. Navigate to 'BUG PRESS_noconvert' and click 'Open'

  5. Then click 'Done'

To use Bug Press job option:

  1. Go to File > Save As...

  2. In new window:
    Save as:_____(Name your file and note the location you are exporting it to)
    For Mac 'Format': Adobe PDF (Print)
    For Windows 'Type': Adobe PDF (Print)

  3. In next window, choose Adobe PDF Preset: 'BUG_PRESS_noconvert"

  4. Then click 'Export'

  5. Examine your PDF in Adobe Acrobat. It should now be ready for upload. 

Export PDF without using a job option:

  1. Go to File > Save As...

  2. In new window:
    Save as:_____(Name your file and note the location you are exporting it to)
    For Mac 'Format': Adobe PDF (Print)
    For Windows 'Type': Adobe PDF (Print)

  3. In next window, choose Adobe PDF Preset: Press Quality
    ~ Under General > Options:  check 'View PDF after Exporting'
    ~ Under Compression > Color Images: Bicubic 400, Grayscale Images: Bicubic 400, Monochrome Images: Bicubic 1200
    ~ Under Marks and Bleeds > Bleed and slug: Check 'Use Document Bleed Settings' (If you set up a bleed, the boxes should display .125 inches for each edge)

  4. Then click 'Export'

  5. Examine your PDF in Adobe Acrobat.